ZGPS - Achieving Abstraction with Golang

Fadi Hanna Al-Kass on

One of the early design challenges we faced when designing the DSP (Device Service Provider) project is coming up with a plug-and-play architecture. DSP’s main responsibility is to read data from a specific tracking device, process and store the data, or send commands and process responses. Different devices come with different protocols, though they share common traits, like they all (all the ones we now support at least) are TCP based. Devices, when connected to DSP, are expected to be recognized so they’re handed to the proper protocol handler. Our silver bullet here is abstraction, but then we’re using Go, and Go doesn’t have native support for abstractions. So how do we solve this?

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Constructors and Destructors in C

Fadi Hanna Al-Kass on

Everything discussed here is a feature brought to you by the GCC compiler. If you happen to be using a different compiler, I’m not sure all or any of this would apply given the fact that these features aren’t part of the C programming language per se.

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Crafting Code - Building Common Interfaces

Fadi Hanna Al-Kass on

When writing libraries, APIs, and SDKs, the less stuff you ask your user to memorize the better it looks to you and feels to them. For instance, if you were to write a Math library that performs some arithmetic operations, you could write your library functions as so:

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Enum and Match Systems in Rust

Fadi Hanna Al-Kass on

You’ve probably worked with enums before, but if you haven’t, they’re basically a way to have a selection out of a number of different options. A Person struct could contain a gender field that points to an enum of three options (Male, Female, and Undisclosed), i.e.:

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My Thoughts on TypeScript

Alex Corvi on

I was introduced to TypeScript when it first came with angular 2. However, I tried to avoid it as much as possible. This was actually the main reason of why I left angular in favor of Vue. “A new quirky front-end language is the last thing I would need,” I thought.

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Rust for High-Level Programming Language Developers

Fadi Hanna Al-Kass on

So you’ve been doing high-level programming all your life, and you’ve been eyeing Rust for some time now, and you’re not sure where to start (or how to start). Well, this walk-through-like post will guide you through some of the common tasks you preform in high-level languages like JavaScript, Python, or even C#.

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